Educational Technology Committee-九州体育平台入口
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Discussing and evaluating ways that technology can promote student learning and assist faculty in teaching.

The Educational Technology Committee (ETC) is authorized by the Academic Senate to use quantitative and qualitative data to develop and recommend policies, professional development, and curriculum for CHC Distance Education (DE) that are consistent with equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. 

The primary duties of the committee include: 

  1. Reviewing DE addenda through the process approved and adopted by the Curriculum Committee,
  2. Reviewing and making recommendations for professional development related to distance education,
  3. Reviewing and making recommendations for new and existing educational technologies and services,
  4. Reviewing and making revisions and recommendations for the Introduction to Online Teaching course for faculty,
  5. Forwarding ETC training recommendations so that management may assign from a pool of eligible instructors,
  6. Gathering technology needs from faculty across the campus,
  7. Other Academic Senate charges as requested/applicable.


  • Voting Members: Faculty members as appointed by the Academic Senate, including the CHC Distance Education Faculty Lead, one faculty member from Student Services and one from Instructional Support (one member will also serve as the ETC representative to the Curriculum Committee).
  • Non-voting members: Vice President, Instruction or designee, Vice President of Student Services or designee, a representative from Technology Services and a representative from SBCCD DE Team.

2023-2024 Voting Members

  • T. L. Brink
  • Cynthia Hamlett (DE Faculty Lead and ETC Chair)
  • Robert McAtee
  • Meridyth McLaren

Meeting Schedule:

  • 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 1 to 2:00 p.m.
  • Location: LRC 110