Academic Integrity Online -九州体育平台入口
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Guide to Supporting Academic Integrity Online

The best way to promote academic integrity online and authentically assess student learning is
through the use of multiple measures.

Online Quizzes/Exams

  • Randomize questions on exams by using a quiz bank (with many possible questions)
  • Shuffle quiz answers (Don’t have one of your answers “all of the above” if you shuffle quiz answers).
  • Limit time for taking tests/quizzes
  • Show only one questions at a time
  • Limit time-window that tests are available
  • Have multiple low-stakes assessments rather than a few high stakes assessments
  • Do not release scores and answers until all students have completed quiz/exam
  • Update Quiz bank regularly
  • Use open book quizzes to reduce temptation to cheat

For Online Essays

  • Scaffold or break down the assignment so that portions of it are due throughout the semester.
  • Require an abstract for papers. Students who did not write a paper may have difficulty
    writing a synopsis
  • Require recent references (no more than 5 years old)
  • Use Unicheck plagiarism checker
  • Ask students to provide a writing sample at beginning of semester
  • Require an annotated bibliography for research assignments
  • Require that students include an outline of their paper

Course Policies/Practices

  • Emphasize the academic honesty policy that is in your syllabus
  • Clarify expectations and explain academic dishonesty/plagiarism
  • Use Unicheck plagiarism checker for assignment submissions
  • Explain citation guidelines and teach students about plagiarism
  • Include information in your course about support services such as tutoring, online tutoring, the Writing Center, and the library


Michael, T. B., & Williams, M. A. (2013) Student Equity: Discouraging Cheating in Online
        Courses. Administrative Issues Journal: Education, Practice, and Research, 3(2), 1-12.

McGee, P. (2013) Supporting Academic Honesty in Online Courses. Journal of Educators Online

WCET, WICHE Cooperative for Educational (2009) Best Practice Strategies to Promote
         Academic Integrity in Online Education. Version 2.0. Wcet, 1-4.